Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fall sick yesterday

Ahhhh.... I didn't write my blog yesterday! Is this a big matter? Kind of... to me.
Okay.. Let's recall what had happened yesterday.
Third of February..
Morning, I went to Sunway College for the English programme. Well, when I reached there, I saw many students standing at the counter. I have no idea what are they doing (???). I just sat on the chair and wait for my turn. Then, my dad who came with me, asked a miss about the English programme which the college offered. Out of my surprise, the miss who was chosen to handle us didn't know most of the things. So, she kept asking her colleague. At last I knew the reason why she kept asking her colleague, she is just an assistant. Maybe she is a rookie? Just my guest. She is very friendly. At least she did her best, huh? Okay, she is kinda sociable and good to their 'future' customers. And, apparently they are looking for students to join their account course. However, I'm not looking for accounting, so I had rejected the offer. I have no idea whether Sunway College is the best choice for me to have my English course? I really have no idea. For those who are interested to join Sunway College for the Practical English Programme (PEP), I will show you some special features offered by the college :
-Placement tests determine which level you go into, there's no need to start from the beginning.
-Each level is made up of modules, each modules lasts for three months.
-Not only does this programme improve your overall English proficiency but modules and levels lead to optional external qualifications offered from Cambridge and City & Guides.
-Classes are taught by experienced lecturers, with up to date materials.
-The academic nature of the course will be of especial benefit to students wishing to do better their school exam.
The class starts at 2 of March. Day will be either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, two choices. Choices for time are part time: 7:00pm till 9:00pm
and full time 9am till 12 pm. Duration is 3 months per module. Levels are classefied as elementary, intermediate and advance.
Anyway, I will try my best to score my best in their placement test, so, wish me luck!
Night time, I watched Peter Pan. The young star who acted as Wendy has very big teeth, haha, but beautiful! Frankly, her teeth is beautiful. Peter Pan looks a bit childish, but who cares? Haha, he supossed to be look childish, didn't he? Not bad.. Not bad..
But, how unfortunate, I dreamt bad dreams again. I dreamt about the SPM or exam things again... *sigh*
I felt so unhappy today! I was blamed!! I really really very angry for that! I have done my part, and then now they blamed me for not doing that?? Unfair!! So I lose my mood to observe or see anything around me.I did add maths all the morning, and I did not play with my cat. I was really really very angry. Rain..still rain. Today rain whole~day. Stopped only at evening time. I went to Samfah Stationary Shop today. I never know my parents knew such a big boss! I bought nothing there. But, I found out one thing--recently, I listened "HEART.BEAT" by LeeHom very often. It's a nice song. Heehee. Here, I would like to share the lyrics with you ^_^

王力宏 - 心跳
Wang Lee Hom - Xin Tiao

作词 : 王力宏 易家扬 作曲 : 王力宏

想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊
不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明
you want to start a quarrel, but i'm not so free
don't know how to apologise, i'm not that smart
i'd like to return to our beginning

你又在哭泣 我给不了安慰
我又在摇头 有那么点后悔
爱情的发展已难以回头 却无法往前走
you're crying again, i can't provide comfort
i'm shaking my head again, just a little regretful
how love had developed there is no turning back, yet it can't go on either

but i couldn't stop it from appearing on my chest
how many questions can be stuffed into two hearts
how many tears had love made us shed

你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳
你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
your eyes are filled with beauty, it takes my heartbeat away
your gentleness is so close, it takes my heartbeat away
turning back time to the beginning, could i have one second
waiting for the day when you too remember
the happiness existing in our memories

想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊
不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明
you want to start a quarrel, but i'm not so free
don't know how to apologise, i'm not that smart
i'd like to return to our beginning

but i couldn't stop it from appearing on my chest
how many questions can be stuffed into two hearts
how many tears had love made us shed

你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳
你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
your eyes are filled with beauty, it takes my heartbeat away
your gentleness is so close, it takes my heartbeat away
turning back time to the beginning, could i have one second
waiting for the day when you too remember
the happiness existing in our memories

你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳
你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒
your eyes are filled with beauty, it takes my heartbeat away
your gentleness is so close, it takes my heartbeat away
turning back time to the beginning, could i have one second
waiting for the day when you too remember
the happiness existing in our memories

王力宏 - 心跳 Music Video

I forgot to wish Cynthia happy birthday, so
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST CYNTHIA~ (2/2/09)" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="550" height="350">
click for more cards send this card through mail

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